
Monday, 30 September 2013

September Things

Scarves- For me perfect for this time of year when its too warm for a coat but September so still Autumn!

Twix's new Collar- my parents brought this for him at the Nottingham greyhound Gathering and he looks so cute in it! He also seems to be acting all the more like a spoiled brat too, perhaps he thinks he's some kind of Raja now?  

The Great Gatsby- My love has been rekindled! I'm studying this at A-Level right now and it has reminded me how much of a good book it was the first time round!

My Bed- because nothing beats my winter duvet after a long day of school or work- or both if its a Friday!

Favourite Moment- Completing the Yorkshire 3 peaks! Although after, all I could really think about was my achy feet and a desperate need for a shower! 

Favourite Quote-

As much as I'm loving sixth form and everything that comes with it, it only reinforces the idea that I need to work out what I want to do with my life. I'm still hopeful that I will wake up one day knowing!
Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf         Bloglovin: This Blog          Second Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Monday, 23 September 2013

Happy Birthday Twix

On the 10th of September 2011 we met a very nervous little Lurcher advertised online as Twix at a rescue centre in Leicester. He was shaky and nervous when we first walked him and there was a pony nearby that kept on passing wind (both loud and stinky ones too.) It was sunny and we all fell in love with him instantly. 
Two years ago today a skinny, nervous and bald in places little lurcher from Leicester found a new home.

Twix has had his ups and downs over the 2 years and we've learned so much about him. He loves nothing more than a long run, a belly rub and his little squeaky orange toy (called squeaky.) Although he's not nervous as much he hates being in enclosed places and he particularly hates youths on bikes. He's basically a grumpy old man these days but once you let him off his lead you wouldn't believe he's nearly four! Nobody's told him?

Our first year with him wasn't easy. We discovered that he doesn't like enclosed spaces at the expense of a door, a floor and a dog crate. He had a massive section of one ear bit off after her was attacked by another dog and he became ill as a result of being misdiagnosed by two vets and nearly lost a paw as a result. I'll save these pictures for another day. We thought we were going to lose him and it's hard to believe that that was only a year ago that all that happened, its hard for anyone to believe that he's the same dog! 

This year has been so much better! Twix has been on his first family holiday, played on his first beach, over come a fear of kites, Played in snow, became a Smurf for the day Won a ribbon in a rescue dog competition, went to a greyhound gathering (I'm so gutted I was on DofE this weekend!) grew lots of fur, then got too much and lost lots of fur and so much more! 

He is a member of the family and we love him so much!

Even if we do embarrass him every so often! 

Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf         Bloglovin: This Blog          Second Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Sunday, 22 September 2013


I spent last Saturday walking/ climbing the three peaks walk in Yorkshire for my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award and although the aim was to finish in 12 hours I finished in 12 hours 15 minutes which I won't complain about. Unfortunately for me, my thighs, feet and booty hurt considerably badly for 2 days after! 
It was by far one of the most rewarding things I've done though despite their being no view because of fog and hence no photo opportunity. I have a picture of me at the first and then the final peak but I look horrendous so we shan't be uploading those in here! We wouldn't want anyone to have to suffer that image! 

Need I say that due to tiredness and not getting back until lunch time not much got done last Sunday. Today although more productive has been spent doing homework but these things have to be done and I literally get so stressed when my homework for the week isn't done before the start of the next. This happened last week and I just got so annoyed! And then of course the Great Brittish Bake Off re-run and Downton Abbey because on Sunday evenings my inner granny comes out!

I found this quote and its so true. Some of the things we do arn't fun but I guess it's important to remember that it's better to get it out the way than to drag it all out! 

Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf         Bloglovin: This Blog          Second Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


This is my favourite quote from the entire mortal instruments series. I've reviewed the lot on my book blog and as much as I love the funny nerdy Simon quotes, this is the one I won't forget. Also how pretty is this picture? It's from pinterest and I love it.

Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf         Bloglovin: This Blog          Second Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Monday, 16 September 2013

Where are you?


Been a while since I've used that intro but its been a while and this is just a quick one to say where I've been recently and a quick note to say that I'm sorry if the formatting for this post (and potentially the next few!) are a bit different/ odd my laptop has been having problems so is being figured out at the moment (I hope!) so apologies for that!

Thing 1 thats has been happening is lack of inspiration for posts. I have been going for it on my second blog (linked at the end!) but I just ran out of creative juice for a while then started questioning what it was that I wanted to post but no from now on I will post on here what I want because after all the whole point of me making a second blog was to have this blog as a more informal Internet space and Awesome Reads as something a bit more put together. 

Thing number two is the whole starting sixth form shin dig. Now this isn't why I stopped blogging on here at all its purely been the stress entailed from things like DofE Gold for which I have an expedition weekend starting this Friday! It's the 3 peaks in Yorkshire and I've been told by people who did it last year that its is freezing (not unnerving at all). Luckily because its just a selection walk we are only cooking our breakfasts- its chip shop and pub grub for the two nights we're camping! And I've picked up some hot chocolate sachet and a packet of Oreos (DofE essentials kids) so we'll be fine I'm sure!

I'm not making excuses for my self here I mean I've wrote stuff but I always think if there's nothing decent and interesting to say, don't say anything so here's to bringing it all back! 

Love Kim x

Monday, 2 September 2013

New months resolutions

August was a lovely month and I think I've came out of it with a more active lifestyle and positive attitude. 
September is a massive month with starting sixth form and I'm scared. That's a lot of change and a few big commitments to consider over the next few weeks and I don't think anyone wouldn't find that nerve wracking. So any who these are my new months resolutions: 

1. Read 4 books 
I want all the city of bones books finished before I start back on the 11th which I know is ambitious but it shall be done. 

2. Stay Fit 
I have had a lot of time with it being the holidays to choose when I go to the gym but now that'll be more limited but I want to keep up going 2-3 times a week! 

3. Don't stress
I stress easily and with a lot of decisions to make I need to remember to take a step back sometimes and look at things in perspective. 

So here's to a happy new month!