
Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday Pun-Day || 002

Welcome to a  feature which is not depressingly pessimistic or containing anything deep or philosophical. A series of posts designed to brighten your Monday as opposed to make anything heavy or thought provoking of it- because for me choosing what to have on my sandwich is enough thought provocation for a Monday...
legless lego legolas (a funny site commented "don't give him a waffle"... get it? hahaha)
As soon as a saw this I loved it! After having seen Catching Fire at the cinema and hence the trailer for the next instalment of the Hobbit (!!!!!!) I got all excited and it reminded me of this picture!
I can't help it guys- I'm such a ten year old boy most of the time  sometimes!

Happy Monday!

Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf          Bloglovin: Second blog          This Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Four Pictures- One Week || 002

Twix- Waiting for his walk. I awwed because he did it completely out of the blue as well! What a cutie 

Catching Fire- Where's Finnick? O-dair he is! This was amazing guys you need to see it if you haven't already! Look out for a full on review on my other blog this week!

Misleading Moriarty- I died upon finding this tumblr account (I'm new to it okay- both Sherlock and tumblr!) I loves it! I loves it too much!
What have you been up to this week? Keep your eyes peeled for full thoughts on Catching Fire and of course the Dr Who 50th Anniversary episode!
Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf          Bloglovin: Second blog          This Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Autumn Leaves- For Real!

Out walking the dog yesterday, I finally saw some signs of proper autumnal stuff! It's taken this long but It's happened so of course given this blogs name I had to share...
Some trees in "tellytubby land"
The old Railway track

And of course I couldn't leave Twix out!
Has Autumn hit were you are yet? Have you skipped it and gone straight for winter?

Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf          Bloglovin: Second blog          This Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Monday, 18 November 2013

Not Just a Mundane Monday

I am Excited!!

We got them! And like amazing seats too! *Cries with ecstasy* I would like to give a massively humongous thank you hug to my friend's parents who actually bought the tickets for us whilst we were in Sixth Form this morning!
You are the best. 

Something else to look forward to:

Oh yes we have finally decided that Saturday will be the day for Catching fire! Of the Trilogy, this is my favourite book! We aren't booking tickets as it stands right now though due to the cinemas' booking policy being really weird which makes me a little worried because when we went to see Tangled a few years back at half term it was sold out when we got there. all the same we are aiming to get there 45 minutes before the show time so I hope we will be okay!

What's got you excited for this week any plans?

Monday Pun-Day || 1

Welcome to the start of a new feature which is not depressingly pessimistic or containing anything deep or philosophical. A series of posts designed to brighten your Monday as opposed to make anything heavy or thought provoking of it- because for me choosing what to have on my sandwich is enough thought provocation for a Monday...

After spending the weekend on DofE skipping dragging my feet through very boggy, wet hills of the Dark Peaks- the sound of music soundtrack did make an appearance or two in our group! I saw this on Pinterest and I pretty much died of laughter (it was late okay?)

I just died
It combines two things I love in a hilarious way- so what's not for me to adore? Hope this has brightened your Monday morning even if it's just a smidge!

Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf          Bloglovin: Second blog          This Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Four Pictures- One Week

Hot chocolate- winter is upon us my friends which can only mean one thing; bring on the hot beverages! My choice is hot chocolate of course (options Belgian chocolate indulgence if you're wondering) and in my favourite mug- what else?

McBusted- the two bands of my childhood which me and the Amigas couldn't get tickets for this week. :( what was annoying was the whole "they go on sale Friday but we are selling well over 3/4 of the seats on pre-sale on Thurday!" Ordeal that happened in notts if nowhere else. Not happy. All hope is not lost with tickets for an extra date going on sale tomorrow! Fingers crossed for us!!

Cave paintings- this is how me and my friends spend our Thursday nights these days! Need I say the paper was not all that got face painted. I daren't show the selfies- think black mono-brows and tribal markings with the occasional mustaches and goaty beards. Then you're pretty much there! 

DofE- We stayed in dorms for 1 night and spent two days walking/ navigation training. Resulted in a boggy but very funny weekend that had taught me a few things about boys in dorms:

1. They will walk into your (the girls) dorm, fart, then leave
2. They will put their pubes on an unsuspecting roommates pillow when they've left the room. 
3. Then if you didn't shut your door properly, they will do the same to your dorm. 
Such Class. 
Highlight of the weekend: won at sevens- it was a lucky hand but I'll take the victory !
Lowlight- May have slipped in mud and landed on my bottom in front of my whole group. I couldn't help but laugh at myself though! With that said it beats losing a boot in bog and having to get someone else to dig it out for you. Or plunging your leg in bog up to your knee. Or splattering your face with mud off of your socks. Marginally- but it beats them(maybe!)

How's your week been? 
Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf          Bloglovin: Second blog          This Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF   

Friday, 8 November 2013

John Lewis Christmas Advert 2013

The Bear Who Had Never Seen Christmas

Last week I tweeted that Christmas starts when the Christmas Coca Cola advert comes on but I realise now that I ignored a massive festive publicity event- the John Lewis Christmas advert!
And of course whatever awesome soundtrack goes with it! I love the cover of this Kean song I think it goes perfectly. Then again who was going to doubt how adorably amazing this advert would be? They're always the perfect ideal of Christmas?

I think its officially time that school finished for the holidays and the Tree gets put up any day now- your argument is completely invalid.

What sets the mood for Christmas for you?

Second Blog: Awesome reads and misperceives          Instagram: its_kimmf          Bloglovin: Second blog          This Blog          GoodReads           Pinterest: itskimF